
Update and Prayer Requests from the Northern Villages of British Columbia, Canda

Greetings to you all from the beautiful Sekani Territory.  Here is an update and prayer requests for the team.

We are in the process of getting organized to move on to the next village this afternoon from Tsey Key to Kwadacha.  Our time in Tsey Key has been amazing…way too many stories to tell now but you will be hearing them later. The people are very welcoming and accommodating. And we are eating waaay too much.  We have had wonderful offerings of fresh washed huckleberries to eat with our breakfast. Then later that day more of them from another family!!

We are so thankful for our connectors Jean and Henry Anthony and Becky as well.  Becky has fit right into the team, she is solid mature loving and well respected in the community from former visits.  Anthony just keeps smoothing the way in very practical ways for us.  Jean and Henry keep inviting and inviting !!!! PTL

A whole different aspect of Immanuel for us is being birthed with children and we are so thankful for those who are carrying and establishing this. We had about 20 kids yesterday.  We keep marveling how the Lord has knit us together as a team. Everyone is just falling into their place and shifting as needed. Love love love it.  Last evening there were 35 adults plus children that came out. It has been diverse and wonderful.

OK now some prayer points :}

1 Please can you continue to pray the whole trip…until we are home. The trip in was beautiful but we had two flats with one spare… that story will be shared over and over. God took care of it of course but a little hairy!!

2 That the ones that have had sessions will grab hold of this and begin to share it with others.

3 We believe going to Kwadacha is going to be very different and much more difficult. Please pray for wisdom flexibility and grace. Also that the people will be open to receive us and receptive to hear.

4 Prayer for renewed strength…Halfway through…..and we are pretty weary….yet still excited!! Our spirits are doing great it is just weariness of soul and body. Doing lots of pushing through.

Also Susan is having some ongoing issues with her back and is lacking some sleep….still as smiley as ever 🙂

Thanks to each one of you please feel free to pass this on to anyone you think would like to pray.

Much love from the Team