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If you’ve discovered that having access to Jesus in the Spirit has changed your life…

And you want to help everyone you know share in this Good News…

And you are willing to give Immanuel to those you care about so they can live in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit…

Immanuel is here for you!

Book Cover

Book Cover

Pastor Patti’s book, Immanuel: A Practicum, is available for you! This handy manual is designed to help anyone who wants to learn more about the Immanuel Approach / Immanuel Prayer for their own walk with the Lord and to help others. It is packed with Scriptures, testimonies and step by step instructions. It’s a great resource for all who desire spiritual growth and intimacy with the Lord. Pastor Patti wrote this book out of her desire to share the good news of Immanuel (God with us) with the world.  It is a practical how-to as well as a living breathing testimony of Pastor Patti’s journey of developing intimacy with Jesus.  Pastor Patti is now travelling around the world bringing the message of intimacy with Jesus to the Church.  Being able to connect with Jesus as a present moment-by-moment reality as well as in our past memories brings transformation and fruit that remains.  This is not a book that leaves you wanting for more information.  Instead it leaves you wanting more Jesus!

You can also join Pastor Patti on Facebook here: Facebook/ImmanuelPracticum

Watch helpful video clips of teaching, testimonies and live demonstrations here: Youtube/ImmanuelPracticum