
Coaches Tip #2

When To Use The Safety Net

The main reason that Immanuel Prayer is so safe and effective, no matter what your experience level, is the safety net.  Dr Karl Lehman calls Immanuel Prayer the safest, easiest and most effective way to inner healing.  The reason that Immanuel is safe is that we begin each session by establishing a safety net.  Before we go anywhere difficult, intense, or traumatic, we connect with Jesus. It is actually from this place of connection that we are able to go to these places and receive Jesus’ healing.

Think of a trapeze artist in the circus.  They would be crazy to do the stunts they do so high up in the air without having that net in place ready to catch them if they should fall.  Actually, knowing that the safety net is in place gives them the freedom to try new and scarier things.  The same is true with Immanuel.  We can go to emotionally scary places with Jesus because we know that if we become overwhelmed, we can return to the safety net.

So, as coaches when should we use the safety net?  Here are some reasons:

  • If the Receiver ever loses connection with Jesus.
  • If the traumatic memory ever becomes too intense for the Receiver.  The safety net becomes a place where the Receiver can return to and build capacity with Jesus.
  • If the Coach ever loses connection with Jesus, or feels lost, overwhelmed / triggered. This is another great reason for Coaches to get their ongoing healing (I’ll talk more about this in “Coaches Tip #3).
  • If you run out of time in a session.

Here is a video where Dr Karl Lehman demonstrates the safety net:

Remember Coach, you don’t have to be a hero.  You don’t need any fancy skills, or tools.  You aren’t in the driver’s seat.  Jesus is leading and guiding.  It is all about Him and helping the Receiver to stay connected with Him.  Our goal is to deepen the Receiver’s relationship with Jesus so that He can heal the sin, wounds and lies that prevent the Receiver from knowing His perfect love.

So, if you hit a block in your session, get the Receiver back to that safety net.  That way they leave the session connected to Jesus!