
Coaching Tip #1 – Get Them to Jesus

Hey Coaches, as you work with a Receiver in an Immanuel session, do you ever feel lost, or feel like you don’t know what to do next?  Is the Receiver feeling overwhelmed?  Are you feeling overwhelmed?  Remember, it’s not up to you to figure this whole process out.

The number one basic Immanuel intervention is the go-to place if this ever happens –   Simply have the Receiver look to Jesus.  All we need to do as Coaches is follow these basic steps and have the Receiver:

  1. Turn to Jesus
  2. Focus on Jesus
  3. Interact with Jesus every step of the way

Whenever the session gets bogged down, or the Receiver seems to get stuck, follow this simple intervention and turn the attention right back where it belongs; on Jesus.  When we let Him lead and guide, the session will move along.  Get the Receiver back connected with Jesus and encourage them to report anything that is coming into their mind.  Remember, we have asked in the opening prayer for Jesus to guide every thought, image, memory, emotion and physical sensation that comes into the receiver’s awareness.  If we as Coaches can take our hands off the wheel and allow Jesus to be the perfect and elegant therapist (as Dr. Karl Lehman calls Him), He will accomplish His good plans for the Receiver for that session.

By keeping the Receiver interacting with Jesus as the first step and at every step along the way, the process can continue to move forward.  Even if the Receiver is having a hard time staying focused, or is seemingly getting stuck, by re-focusing them back on Jesus, we can work that out directly with Him.  From that place of connection, have them ask Jesus, “What do You want me to know?”  If the Receiver needs help, Jesus is willing!  “Jesus I need help!”

And remember also that if it ever gets to the point, for the Coach or the Receiver, that the session is stuck or just too much to handle, we have the safety net established. The Coach can take the person back to the initial interactive connection place with Jesus and reconnect with Him to build capacity for the moment and going forward.

This simple intervention is at the heart of why Immanuel is so easy, safe, transferrable and effective.  It totally takes the pressure off of the Coach. Isn’t that a great feeling!!