Immanuel: A Practicum - Immanuel Approach Blog

The Immanuel Approach - Articles, Tips and Thoughts

Intimacy – Healing – Awareness

  Intimacy   -    Healing   -    Awareness As I continue on with my weekly Immanuel sessions, I am seeing a pattern developing.  Intimacy with Jesus is the goal and target of Immanuel Prayer.  It is from this deepening intimacy that I grow in my ability to abide...

Why See?

  Why See? Many times when we are teaching Immanuel, people ask, “Why do you stress seeing Jesus? I hear Him.  I feel / sense Him.  Why see?”  To that I respond, “Great question!  Now let’s move on…” (I’m kidding…). One of my favorite Immanuel verses is 1 John...

Accepted In The Beloved

“Many times when we approach the Lord, we are afraid of Him. Not a Godly fear –the Fear of the Lord- because He is so awesome, but a fear of our own unacceptability. In Immanuel, we often find that the answer to the question, “What’s in the way?” is that fear. But the...

Jesus Is Really Immanuel!

Jesus Is Really Immanuel! I was thinking this morning…What does God really want from us more than anything else? Does He require sacrifice? Well, the writer of Hebrews says, “Sacrifice and offering You have not desired…” (Hebrews 10:5) Does He want acts of...