“Many times when we approach the Lord, we are afraid of Him. Not a Godly fear –the Fear of the Lord- because He is so awesome, but a fear of our own unacceptability. In Immanuel, we often find that the answer to the question, “What’s in the way?” is that fear. But the...
Jesus Is Really Immanuel! I was thinking this morning…What does God really want from us more than anything else? Does He require sacrifice? Well, the writer of Hebrews says, “Sacrifice and offering You have not desired…” (Hebrews 10:5) Does He want acts of...
Coaching Tip #1 – Get Them to Jesus Hey Coaches, as you work with a Receiver in an Immanuel session, do you ever feel lost, or feel like you don’t know what to do next? Is the Receiver feeling overwhelmed? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Remember, it’s not up to you...
Just Get Me To Jesus! I have been struggling recently. A real crisis of faith. Relational discord in my family has really been weighing on me. I’m working so hard Jesus! Why isn’t anything changing?!?! Why won’t You DO something?!?! Kept trying to connect with...
Update and Prayer Requests from the Northern Villages of British Columbia, Canda Greetings to you all from the beautiful Sekani Territory. Here is an update and prayer requests for the team. We are in the process of getting organized to move on to the next village...