see instead of fog

This is a picture from one of our drives to Delaware to see our daughter. It was so foggy, we could hardly see the road in front of us. Seeing clearly is so much better!


Why See?

Many times when we are teaching Immanuel, people ask, “Why do you stress seeing Jesus? I hear Him.  I feel / sense Him.  Why see?”  To that I respond, “Great question!  Now let’s move on…” (I’m kidding…).

One of my favorite Immanuel verses is 1 John 3:2.  It says, when we see Jesus, we become like Him because we see Him as He really is.  Seeing Jesus and getting to know His true character and nature makes us more like Him.  They say that as much as 93% of communication is non-verbal.  It is posture, tone, body language, etc…that really communicate the message in addition to the words being spoken.

Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”  You see, Jesus says, you can hear My voice, but there is more.  Respond to my voice.  Open the door.  And look what happens…Face to face fellowship!

This is the relationship that Jesus had with His Father.  He only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19-20).  He could look up to His Father and that visual abiding connection directed Him every step.

Let me try to illustrate why seeing is so much better.  My daughter and son-in-law live in Delaware (it’s so hard to have her so far away!). When I get a text, or email from her it is really nice.  To know she is OK and to get a glimpse into her life feels good.  But when I can talk to her on the phone it is so much better!  To hear her voice and her emotion makes it significantly more relational.  I will tell you right now though, there is NOTHING better than when I get to see her.  We usually drive out there.  When we finally arrive she is always standing at the door waiting for us.  Now I get to experience her.  I get to hug her (yes…tears are rising up right now just thinking about it).  Seeing her is the pinnacle of relational connection.

I usually leave people with this easy process to follow:

  1. Can you see Jesus?

-Yes! In our seminars, we walk through the Bible verses to attest to the reality of being able to see Him.

  1. Do you have to see Him?

-No! The number one rule of Immanuel is you don’t have to do anything you do not want to do (Jesus never forces you to do something against your will).

  1. Do you want to see him?

-If your answer is “no”, go to number 2 above…You don’t have to.
-If your answer is “yes”, go to number 1 above…You CAN!