Jesus talked to His disciples in John 15 about what it means to abide in Him.  His goal is to have an intimate relationship with us.  He uses the word “abide” to teach us of His intentions to never leave us and to have an indwelling, constant connection with us. One result of abiding in Jesus is fruit (actually verse 5 says, “much fruit!”). But we cannot bear fruit unless we abide in the vine (verse 4).  Another result of abiding in Jesus is answered prayer.  He says that whatever we ask of Him, it will be done (verse 7).  We don’t just throw our prayers up into the heavens and hope God hears.  Instead, from this place of abiding with Jesus, we can look at Him and we can talk to Him directly…And actually get a response. And how about this for a third result of abiding in Jesus…fullness of joy (verse 11)!  It is His joy that we experience while we abide with Him.  Joy is not something that we can force.  I can’t make myself feel joy.  But in the presence of Jesus, His joy fills me.

Immanuel brings us more and more into an awareness of the Persons Father, Son and Spirit’s presence with us and in us.
He is our constant companion, but more.  He wants us to live in Him.  I go to my Immanuel sessions with an understanding that I have wounds, sin and lies that prevent me from this intense fellowship with Him.  While my emotional pain is largely gone, I want Jesus to heal me of any remaining blockages to intimacy with Him so that I can abide in him as He is in me.

This is an excerpt from Pastor Patti Velotta’s Biblical word studies on Immanuel.  Follow the link for other Immauel related word studies: