Sheltering In Place – Part 1

I was talking to a friend of mine before coaching him in an Immanuel session.  We were talking about the craziness we are all experiencing with Coronavirus.  It is such a strange feeling to see the world shut down before our eyes.  We talked about the challenges we all face while sheltering in place.  Losing freedoms and conveniences that we are used to.  Losing connection with other people.  And for some of us, losing our livelihoods.  He said something that really struck me.  He said that there are Biblical examples of ‘sheltering in place’.  There were times when God had His people stay in one place behind closed doors. As I thought that through, here is what came to me:

Why Shelter in Place?!!?

Exodus 12

Right as God was about to deliver His people from the hand of the Egyptians, He had them go into their homes and stay there until He had ‘passed over’ and taken the firstborn son of every household.  By marking their homes with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, they were spared.  I thought of five points for this.  As you read this, try to see the context apply to your lives:

  1. There was a reason for it.  It was for their good.  It was for their protection.  It was so they could see the miracle of God – so that they could know that God knew what He was doing and did it.  He told them exactly what would occur…And it did.  By having His people shelter in place, He separated them from the enemy.
  2. There was a determined end to them staying inside.  This one is meaningful to me.  This is not forever.  It will end. 
  3. There was something miraculous happening outside those locked doors.  It must have been tempting for the Israelites to peek outside and see if it was actually happening. For us, life looks so normal outside.  We are facing an unseen enemy.  But the Israelites had to believe in faith that a miracle was happening outside their walls.  So must we.
  4. There was something miraculous happening INSIDE those wallsGod was miraculously protecting His people.  He was preparing them for what was to come.  He was connecting them with their families.  He was feeding them for the upcoming journey.  He was teaching them the fruit of obedience.  Any of those resonate with you?
  5. There was a move of God about to happen.  God was about to free His chosen people from 430 years of slavery at the hand of the Egyptians.  He was about to have them march out of that land untouched.  And He was about to move His people into the land He had promised.

So, that’s part I.  Part II will follow shortly.  Think about those five points and how it applies to your situation.  You are not alone.  We do not have a God who is distant and detached.  We have a God who is intricately involved in EVERY breath of our lives.  Who loves us and understands us.  Thank You Jesus!