Strong Tower

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe” Proverbs 18:10

The Lord – Our Safe Place

In a leadership class I am taking for school, I was assigned to watch a video on leadership.  What came up was this video by Simon Sinek called “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.”  Here is a link to the video if you are interested:

The concept is that as a leader of an organization (be it a business, a church, a family, etc…), we need to create an environment of safety for the people in the organization.  Then the people and the organization can excel.  The reason for this is that in a safe environment, people are able to explore without feeling analyzed and judged.  In such an environment, people can grow in their identity.  They can try new things, new ideas and even feel OK with failing in those efforts.  Because the safety makes space for failure, and facilitates learning and growth from those failures.  A safe environment is a place of trust and cooperation.  Even discipline and correction can occur from this place of safety and not be fear / power based.

In an unsafe environment, which is unfortunately much more common, you see control, fear, shame, guilt, condemnation, power…

Well, shortly after watching this video, I was coaching an Immanuel session.  The Receiver, after connecting with Jesus, reported that he felt safe.  It hit me immediately.  The Lord connected the dots for me.  These are the principles from the video I had just watched.  Jesus is our ultimate safe place!  Actually as we get to know Him more and more and get to experience His true character, we learn that He is the ONLY safe One.

In Him, we are given a safe place to grow in our true identity.  In Him, we can explore and try new things in our gifting and talents without fear of failure.  In Him there is never guilt, shame, condemnation.  In fact, there is an utter absence of these things.  He doesn’t try to control and doesn’t force His will on us in a show of power.  WOW!

He can even correct and discipline from this place out of His Father’s heart.  And we are able to receive it.

If we don’t have this feeling of safety with Him (and none of us do perfectly), Immanuel sessions are the place to work on it.  We can get His help to heal the underlying issues and blocks that keep us from experiencing His perfect safety and begin to live from this place more and more.

Then from this safe place, we are able to take on the dangers that surround us in our lives.