
Immanuel Coaches doing their own work takes humility.

Coaches tip #3 – Get Your Ongoing Healing

The idea of pursuing intimacy with Jesus and letting Him into those places that prevent our hearts from connecting fully with Him is a life-long process.  It doesn’t happen in a conference / seminar.  We don’t have a few sessions and get ‘fixed’.  No, intimacy is something we work at.  And we all have blockages that come up that we are completely unaware of (besides the ones we are aware of).

Like they say on an airplane…If the oxygen masks come down, put your own mask on first, then take care of the person next to you.

So, for Immanuel coaches,  going after our own regular healing is the responsible and mature thing to do.  Actually, it is a demonstration of humility.  It admits that I am not perfect yet…I still have stuff that gets in the way.  And how about this one coaches, it takes away the pride of being the one who has all the answers.  If I were to be looking for a coach, the first thing I would ask the person is if they do their own work regularly.

It is inevitable that we will be triggered while coaching – either by the content of the receiver’s session, or some type of frustration we are feeling form the session.  Maybe it’s one of these:

“The process is moving too slow”
“Why don’t you do something God?!”
“I’ll take it from here Jesus”
“I don’t know what to do next…”
All of those are coming from a triggered place.  And there are a lot more I could have listed.

By getting our own ongoing healing, we are offering ourselves as the best untriggered coach that we can be.

Pastor Patti Velotta has been building an organization called Immanuel City Leaders. She has established as the first requirement of being part of the team that you keep doing your own sessions with Jesus and a coach.  And this flows down from the head.  Dr. Karl Lehman models this by tenaciously going after his own blockages. Pastor Patti faithfully meets with Jesus and Dr Karl every week (and has for more than 15 years as of this writing).

I have shifted from “I have to go to my weekly session” to “I get to go to my weekly session.”  It is a time that I set aside to meet with Jesus and my coach.  I make my session the first thing I set on my weekly calendar and everything else falls into place behind it.  I make my own session a priority in my life because I know that I am not finished yet.  And I am seeing fruit in my life and ministry.  I am just different.

So coaches…Get to work!  Sometimes it feels like work doesn’t it?  James 4:6 says that, “God gives grace to the humble.”  He will make it so worthwhile!  It is good for you. It is good for those in your life.  And it is good for those you are coaching!